Subcamp 3 Masthead
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Troop Announcement Bulletin Board

Last Newsletter!

The last newsletter from the subcamp commissioner before arriving at the Jamboree has been posted. 6/24/2005

Patrol Flags

The Troop Leaders Guide and the third newsletter both offer the judging criteria for the patrol flag competition. Highlights from these guidelines are shown here; more information can be found in the newsletter. The flag should depict the patrol name and geographic area where the scouts live, with the patrol members' names integrated into the design in some way. The Jamboree troop number and council must be included. Flags should be made by the members of the patrol, with each boy having some part in the construction and design. The flag should be displayed on a pole so that it is easy to carry around the jamboree and display at the troop site. 5/10/2005

Patch Trading

No matter where you go at the Jamboree you will hear "Do you have any patches to trade?" We all need to be aware of unscrupulous people that will take advantage of the boys. Patch trading guidelines are outlined in the Leaders Guide, but we need to reiterate here. Patch trading is only allowed Scout-to-Scout and adult-to-adult. If any adults are observed trading patches with Scouts, they will be escorted off the Jamboree site and not allowed back. Please make sure that your Scouts are aware of this policy. 5/10/2005

Troop Newsletters

Subcamp Commissioner Vic Lonsberry has just released the third troop newsletter to troop leaders. This issue has details on arrival planning, security, morale, patrol flags, and gateways. Please see the Troop Newsletters page. 5/10/2005


As reported in each troop newsletter, Dr. Joe Sellers, the subcamp physician, urges everyone to take proactive steps to prevent dehydration. At the last Jamboree, on check-in day and during setup, the temperature was 94 degrees with very high humidity. Setting up a camp in those conditions results in major fluid loss. In order to minimize the onset of heat exhaustion, the Medical Staff has requested that all Scouts and Leaders consume at least one liter of water while on the bus prior to arriving at the Jamboree. Any drink with caffeine like soda, tea or coffee should not be consumed; Gatorade type drinks are OK but not necessary. Let's keep our Scouts out of the medical tent and in the troop site--drink lots of water on the bus as you make your way to the subcamp. 4/17/2005

Sleeping Arrangements

As reported in the first troop newsletter, the Subcamp Commissioner, Vic Lonsberry offers the following recommendations concerning sleeping arrangements:


Troop Duty Roster

The duty roster for subcamp duties troops will be asked to perform (flag ceremonies, latrine and litter pick-up) has been posted. Questions may be directed to the Subcamp Commissioner, Vic Lonsberry. 4/15/2005

Troop Leader Guide

You may find the Jamboree Troop Leader Guide at the National Jamboree website. 3/9/2005

Troop Emergency Preparedness Award

Jamboree Emergency Preparedness Award PatchThe Department of Homeland Security has encouraged the Boy Scouts of America to help citizens around the country prepare for emergencies of all kinds. The 2005 National Scout Jamboree Emergency Preparedness program was designed to help our Scouts and Scouters respond to this challenge so they can respond to any emergencies that may arise during travel to and from the jamboree or during the jamboree itself. Applications are due to the local council by July 1, 2005. Some requirements require extra preparation (such as having all scouts earn the First Aid or Emergency Preparedness merit badges), so prior planning is essential. See the official requirements on the National Jamboree website. 3/9/2005

Hometown News Correspondent

Hometown News PatchScout participants in the 2005 Jamboree will have the oportunity to serve as Hometown News Correspondents to write stories about the jamboree for their local newspapers, radio stations, and television stations. Hometown News Correspondents will get special access to events and dignitaries such as members of Congress, astronauts, and the Chief Scout Executive. Scouts will use the facilities provided by the subcamp communications team to write their articles. Applications must be received by the Hometown News Service at the national office of the Boy Scouts of America before June 15. See the National Jamboree website for more information. 3/9/2005

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