Subcamp 3 Masthead
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Troop Duty Roster

The troops of the subcamp will be asked to help out with several subcamp-related tasks throughout the Jamboree. Please note the assigned tasks below. Download this chart! Download Duty Roster 4/15/05

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Troop Duty Assignments

2005 National Jamboree

Subcamp 3
Northeast Region
Date 26-Jul-05 27-Jul-05 28-Jul-05 29-Jul-05 30-Jul-05 31-Jul-05 1-Aug-05 2-Aug-05
Assignments Raise Colors - 8:45 AM (Note 1) T339 T330 T323 T341 T319 T301 T335 T343
Lower Colors - 7:30 PM (Note 2) T340 T331 T324 T342 T307 T302 T332 T344
East Latrines, Showers, Wash Tents (Note 3) T322 T309 T304 T305 T314 T312 T338 T336
West Latrines, Showers, Wash Tents (Note 3) T321 T306 T327 T329 T315 T334 T310 T333
Litter Pickup - East Area T326 T325 T303 T308 T313 T320 T339 T340
Litter Pickup - West Area T328 T316 T317 T311 T345 T337 T331 T307


  1. Pick up flags from Program tent.
  2. Return flags to Program tent.
  3. Pick up required cleaning materials from maintenenace staff.
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