Subcamp 3 Masthead
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Medical Staff Page

Subcamp Physician

The Subcamp Chief Physician is Joseph Sellers, MD. You may send email to Joseph at: Joseph Sellers

Staying healthy in Virginia in the summer heat

Heat Injuries: It can get dangerously hot at AP Hill in July and August. We will use a heat index system and provide units with advice on levels of activity that are safe when the heat and humidity are high. The key to prevention of heat injuries is to maintain hydration. All participants should have water with them throughout the day. Scouts will do some of their heaviest work in setting up camp upon arriving. We would recommend each scout drink 1 liter of water before getting off their bus and that a shade tarp and water station be the very first items set up in your camp site.

Foot Blisters: The Jamboree site is very large. The trip from our subcamp to anywhere else-merit badge midway, trading post, lakes, arena shows- is a long walk. Our scouts and scouters will need to be prepared for long walks in the heat. Breaking in your footwear ahead of the Jamboree and good foot care with frequent changes of socks and foot washing need to be stressed. Applying mole skin to hot spots before a blister forms is helpful.

Tick Bites: AP Hill is in a unique location where Tics that carry three different and unpleasant diseases all can be found. We need to teach prevention and daily self skin checks to all our scouts. The doctors at the subcamp medical station will be available for help removing tics. We have been asked by the army at the past two Jamborees to collect any tics for testing for pathogens.

Skin Problems: We have treated a lot of boys for sunburn and jock itch at past jamborees.

Sunscreen, hats, and shade are all helpful in preventing sunburn while bathing, changing out of wet clothing and using an antifungal powder may help prevent jock itch.

We will have physicians and support staff in our subcamp medical station to help 24/7 to help all scouts and scouters have the most enjoyable Jamboree experience. 3/1/2005





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