Jamboree Subcamp 3 - Live!
Jamboree Staff Show – Twilight Tattoo
Jamboree 2005 was kicked off by the Staff Show. The show was intended to recognize both the soldiers and Boy Scout volunteers who have put in long hours preparing for the more than 40,000 Scouts and Scouters arriving on Sunday and Monday.
The show opened with acknowledgements from Chief Scout Executive Roy Williams, Jamboree Chairman Francis Olmstead, and Fort A.P. Hill Commander James Mis, among others. Lt. Colonel Mis stated that the values instilled in our nation’s military aligned very closely to the Scout Law.
The crowd was first entertained by the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, a part of the 3rd United States Infantry Regiment. The Fife and Drum Corps entertained, wearing uniforms patterned after those worn by the musicians of General George Washington’s Continental Army. They included a program of both drill and period music.
Next, the United States Army Drill Team provided an impressive and complicated display using 1903 Springfield rifles with highly polished bayonets. Their show completed with their famous front-to-rear overhead rifle toss.
The show, attended by nearly 7,500 staff and 1,500 soldiers, wrapped up with the US Army Blues Jazz Ensemble, accompanied by singers from the US Army Chorus. They performed rock and country favorites, including a rendition of Lee Greenwoods “Proud to be an American,” and “God Bless America”.
The Jamboree Staff left the show charged to provide an outstanding program for Jamboree 2005.
Posted: July 23, 2005