Subcamp 3 Masthead
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Jamboree Subcamp 3 - Live!

International Day Pictures

Steel Drum Band

Steel Drum Band

International Day Live!

The Scouts of Subcamp 3 were delighted by fellow Scouts from Trinidad and Tobago Thursday evening, as part of Jamboree 2005 International Day.  The Scouts entertained by playing their national instrument, the Steel Pan, as well as trumpet, wood block, and various other instruments.  The crowd swelled to nearly a hundred people as the group played a program that included both calypso music and traditional folk songs. Songs included the national anthem of Trinidad and Tobago, a medley of Mr. John Boule and Wake Up Johnny and others with lyrics such as "Oh, I love my country / No place in the world I'd rather be / Sweet, sweet T & T."

The Scouts from Trinidad and Tobago are being hosted in Subcamp 3 by troops from Auburn and Syracuse, New York as well as a troop from Moosic, Pennsylvania.

Posted: July 29, 2005

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