Subcamp 3 Masthead
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Jamboree Subcamp 3 - Live!

Arrival Pictures

Unloading Trucks
Unloading a truck

Carrying a snake
Interesting luggage

Catch a sleeping bag

All lined up
All lined up

Unloading trucks
Ready? Set? Go!

Scouts Arrive in Incredible Heat

Subcamp 3 contingents were greeted by temperatures in the middle 90s today, and heat indices well over 100 degrees, as Scouts from around Area 3 arrived at the 2005 Jamboree.

Contingents from around the nation began arriving at the Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill starting at 6 AM this morning, with the on-site population expected to swell to more than 40,000 people by days end. 

Busses entered Subcamp 3 starting around 6:30 AM. Soon thereafter, Scouts began the long process of unloading trucks and busses, while stacking their gear in mountains often higher then some of the smaller Scouts. 

Scouts then had to transport gear by hand, foot, or fire brigade across the fields of the Subcamp to it’s final destination at the contingent camping site.

All contingents made it safely to the Jamboree with nothing more than minor problems, and Scouts are readying themselves for an outstanding experience at the Jamboree.

Posted: July 25, 2005

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